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  • We'll be watching Goemon's Bloodspray together in around 10 minutes, go to the film club topic for the invite
    I'm feeling very insecure about my abilities as an artist right now. Feels like everything I draw is just mediocre
    I can relate to an extent...
    I've really been into pixel art as of late, I did this castle of Cagliostro piece just the other day but it came out horribly.
    We constantly see art done by other people which in our eyes makes ours look like turds in return, however, it's thanks to that same art we put ourselves down.

    from what I understand, no artist likes their own work but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying.
    I'm with Hooder on this one (even though I can only do stick figures). For the record, I have yet to see a piece of art on this site that I didn't like. They're all special and awesome in their own way. Hopefully you feel better soon and make more art! 🫂
    I am here to either inform or remind you that Yasuo Yamada was the original Japanese voice for Pooh and it is adorable
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    Reactions: pago
    He voices Bernard from The Rescuers and great news losers.
    Disney Plus still has the original dub for Down Under meaning we can easily listen to Yasuo Yamada's take on the character and sadly, also one of his final if not final role. (The movie took like 5 years to get produced in Japan no idea why)
    @YuStarDino Wow that's super cool! And mildly surprising, I know a lot of the Disney films Yasuo dubbed were redubbed by Disney; though I guess the Rescuers is not as popular of a property as something like Pooh or the Muppets, and doesn't have to keep several films of voice continuity, only two.

    this image of Pops is my mental state
    I saw that one or two of you showed up earlier today, reminder that I changed the earlier European timeslot to Thursday instead of Wednesday
    Such a weird funny coincidence that Oranges releases a translated Lupin Shanshei right after I buy the bluray for it. lol
    For $70 USD you too can dress up as your favourite anime character, Rupan Thief!
    Rupan Thief.png
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