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  • Reminder to sign up for the advent calendar for December if you're interested! Thread is in Announcements!
    Sorry for the site outage yesterday! We're back up and running! If this site is down you can contact me via Bluesky or AO3 (Tsushi both places) and I'll let people know what's up!
    Working hard on the Fujiko/Ladies of Lupin zine today, but it just makes me more excited to make another zine as soon as I can!
    I'm trying to update here more frequently even if TMS is leaving us bone dry on announcements lol
    We havent gotten anythin new anime wise since the Cats Eye Vs movie, like my guesses are they're either cooking up Part 7, we're getting a new movie or we're finally and I mean finally getting Koike Zenigata movie. Hey I'd even take another smaller season like Zero again if it meant we got better animation and writing.
    I'm all for whatever is next. The kabuki was fun, but I hope we at least have a special! They used to be yearly 😭
    Hi folks! All the issues have been fixed and I'm working on the tutorial for the fic system, we'll finally be in business on that real soon!
    I'm rewatching Sweet Lost Night and this one is seriously underrated. It has way more lively animation than a lot of the specials!
    Still working on file uploading capabilities and some new icons for the site. Very slowly! And also yay making progress on my paperwork too!
    Should we start a bet on how long til Koike Zenigata film finally gets released? The music was done years ago, they've been teasing it since 2020 lol when will we finally get a date?
    ATP I think we gotta break into TMS and demand for the movie.

    Anyways, I bet my entire Universal Credit payments that it'll be late 2024 or sometime in 2025.
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    Reactions: Tsushi
    In terms of moderating, I have gotten a stunning amount of spam to clear lately! Sometimes 6-7 a day. Thankfully this forum software has good filters but sorry if I miss anything. If you spot any spam, report it and I'll get to it ASAP!
    I know I should keep getting through my Part 3 rewatch of the newer subs, but TWCFM is always calling me...
    Since I've been resting a lot lately I've been rewatching Steven Universe and boy that has been fun! I am eager to get back to my Part 3 rewatching though. There are a lot of great episodes I haven't gotten to yet! Bar tender Lupin is a big one, but Jigen has some awesome episodes too.
    Thanks so much for the well wishes! I am alive! Also sleepy and ow. But alive!
    I'm loving seeing people making stuff for the weekly art prompts! Thanks for bringing some joy to my week folks 💕
    Rewatched Zero and it was just as good the second time!
    Well of course...

    It's Zero!

    A solid 6 episodes with actual good filler, you don't get that everyday.
    Haha I don't know what part of that is filler? It all felt like completely necessary tone and relationship building that leads to the climax!
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    Reactions: Hooder
    I wish they followed the manga a bit more and maybe show why the boy aint right in part 1 part of me was hoping for some sort of explanation as to why manga lupin and part 1 lupin was a brat and how but other than it's a great spin off, not sure why the commies decided to mess around with post WWII japan but all and all 10/10 will rewatch.
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