The Koike Films...

Hello again

Been putting off posting this because it might be regarded as annoying but I would appreciate some help with the Koike films. After much deliberation and Part 7 nowhere in sight I decided that I will indeed watch these films in order to fully enjoy the upcoming movie. So I did some research on the one issue I have encountered with this franchise Fujiko.. I mean nudity. IMDB has a parents guide so here is what I know so far

1. Jigen's Gravestone: As far as I'm concerned there is one scene with Fujiko that is problematic. This may be much to ask but I would appreciate a rough timestamp so I can use the skip button.

2. Goemon's Bloodspray: I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong with this one making it my easiest watch of the trilogy. Ironic considering the gore but there you go.

3. Fujiko's Lie: This one scares me the most because of what I both know and don't know. I know practically nothing about any of the scenes of this movie except for the basic promo excerpt. But there is one thing I do know. The Title. And where there's Fujiko uncomfortable scenes are sure to follow.

I provided what I do know my request to those who are willing is to fill me in on anything I missed. Sorry if this proves to be a nuisance but I really enjoy the concept of a darker more mature Lupin but with that comes the one thing I would rather avoid.


aroace fujiko truther
hiiiii i took this as an excuse to marathon all the koike films lol. i watched all 3 and took some notes as best i could. hopefully they help! the timestamps reflect that parts 1 and 2 of each film were played back to back, as one file, and include the credits and intermissions. i believe they are pretty accurate, to the best of my ability!

jigen's gravestone: this one is difficult because the focus switches between scenes with nudity and scenes without, making it really hard to just skip through all the nudity. i took detailed timestamps.
nudity starts at 15:24 (she is on a tv), ends at 15:38
starts again at 15:55, ends at 16:01
starts again at 16:09 (she is partially obscured some of the time), ends at 16:12
the focus switches between fujiko and lupin for this next scene. nudity starts 18:47, ends at 19:11.
starts at 20:20, ends at 20:44
starts at 21:14, ends at 21:40
starts at 24:09, ends at 24:19
starts at 27:06, ends at 27:35
starts at 28:44, ends at 29:05
starts at 29:22, ends at 29:36
starts at 30:03, ends at 30:08
starts at 30:11, ends at 30:23
OR skip from 20:20 to 30:23 and what happens is
lupin comes to save fujiko, who is nearly killed, and fujiko escapes during the fight
some groping at 31:15, ends at 31:25, no nudity

goemon's bloodspray: this one's easy!
heavy innuendo and moaning with no nudity begins 17:28, ends 17:56

fujiko's lie:
innuendo/cleavage at 20:25 no nudity, ends at 20:44
innuendo/groping at 22:57 no nudity, ends at 23:04
nudity starts at 36:11, ends at 37:08
partial nudity in a photograph starts 41:33, ends 41:39
partial nudity starts at 44:09, fujiko's breast is exposed during the fight with bincam, and the fight is pretty sexual in nature. her nipple at least remains fully covered after 45:23, but her outfit is still ripped and she is partially exposed.
bit of groping, no nudity at 48:16, ends at 48:35

i hope you can enjoy the films with a little skipping around! loved the marathon!