Sooo ... after having no Idea besides "
Fujiko using a Pepper shaker but filled with glitter on Lupin eyes!" for
Fujiko using glitter as a weapon.
Which was a little too mean, even for me.
And after realizing all I know about Magic 8 Balls comes from the opening to the first Shazam movie, I don't even know if that thing was ever sold in Germany, I had no ideas for
Goemon and Jigen put too much trust in a magic 8 ball.
And after being busy/ lazy/ in a creative hole/ playing a lot of Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;birth 1, I finally have got myself up again to finally draw my ideas for the last three prompts I missed!
So here is my silly little drawing for this prompt!
I just find the idea funny of Zenigata turning from the hard headed cop into a shy little puddle as soon as Lupin gives him a good compliment.