Lupin Weekly Art Prompt: February 5, 2024


TransJigen Truther
Hey y'all, I'm back with another art prompt (I still have to post mine from last week) but let's dive in to a Jigen piece this week!

Feel free to do the prompt at your leisure any time and pop your pieces into the discussion below ⬇️

This week's prompt is: Jigen has to wear a colorful outfit


TransJigen Truther
Okay but I had so much fun looking up colourful mens outfits from the 80s!


Bründelkärf der Furchtlose
He /Him
So, next week from the 12th to 14th is Fasching (Or Karneval depending on who you ask) in Germany, the most important thing you need to know is that in basicly every town there is a Faschingsumzug, where big parades like in Rio happen, (Just not THAT big) where people dress up on the way side and get thrown at with candy by the parade people.
And so I thought it would be fun to hive Jigen some Fasching Outfits.



aroace fujiko truther
So, next week from the 12th to 14th is Fasching (Or Karneval depending on who you ask) in Germany, the most important thing you need to know is that in basicly every town there is a Faschingsumzug, where big parades like in Rio happen, (Just not THAT big) where people dress up on the way side and get thrown at with candy by the parade people.
And so I thought it would be fun to hive Jigen some Fasching Outfits.

jigen dressed as a parrot is cracking me up 😂 he looks so, so done with this shit lol
So, next week from the 12th to 14th is Fasching (Or Karneval depending on who you ask) in Germany, the most important thing you need to know is that in basicly every town there is a Faschingsumzug, where big parades like in Rio happen, (Just not THAT big) where people dress up on the way side and get thrown at with candy by the parade people.
And so I thought it would be fun to hive Jigen some Fasching Outfits.

banana jigen is legendary

i love this idea so much!