Lupin Weekly Art Prompt: August 26, 2024


TransJigen Truther
Ahhh I thought I'd posted one this week but I did NOT! My apologies!

The next two week's prompt is: Goemon cuts open a juicebox

Feel free to do the prompt at your leisure any time and post your pieces into the discussion below ⬇️


Bründelkärf der Furchtlose
He /Him
Catching up to the Art Prompt 19:

This is based on a true event!
And with this I mean, that I got myself a papercut while sketching up the old idea for this prompt but then getting the idea, of Goemon just being so good that he can slice trough the fourth wall!

(Also I know the Prompt said Juicebox, and not Ice Tea box, but my Local Rewe got no good and cheap juice boxes, and I didn't want to shell out 2 Euro for this joke and end up with 3 little boxes of Juice that barly amount to 1 Liter, when I could also get a 1.5 liter bottle for less!)

Goemon Juice Cutting 1 (Klein).pngGoemon Juice Cutting 2 (Klein).png
.... I was so glad that when cutting, it didn't make a huge mess .... but then when inserting the straw it spilled!