Hello Everyone!

Name: Adam
Age: Lets just say I'm bit too young for TWCFM
Pronouns: He/Him
Timezone: US Eastern Time
How did you get into Lupin?: I watched the netflix show and loved it then I read the original books and loved those even more. Finally I found Lupin III which I had avoided previously due to my general aversion to anime.
What do you like to do in your free time? Reading mostly and playing video games.
Do you have any pets? Nope allergic to dogs and cats and there aren't any other good ones. My sister had a bunny once then another bunny came over and we had 7 bunnies. Now we have no bunnies they were returned to the owner we bought them from cause the basement started to stink.
Any Other Fandoms?: Nope first time I am putting myself out there. Hope it doesn't bite me in the butt...
1st Language: English I do speak a slightly broken arabic of the moroccan dialect.

And now I want to leave you all with a question. In part 7 what new color jacket should Lupin wear and with what tie? Anyway Bye!

PS: Do you know any good places to buy one of his jackets. Preferably for cheap...
Welcome on in!

nice to see a younger fan. An answer to your question, I want Lupin to wear a white coat with a pink undershirt and a green tie, I think it would be a cool combo but a very popular one with most is a yellow or purple jacket.

honestly it's pretty cheap to cosplay as Lupin, other than his Loafers you can easily find something at your local dress up shop.

Also it's a shame that you can't watch TWCFM and presumably other Lupin the IIIrd films cause the main major film is finally coming out sometime this year which is the expected return of Mamo


fujigoe shipper first human being second
Welcome to both the forum and the wild ride that is Lupin III! I love that everyone has a different "origin story" when it comes to this show :loop_lup: From what I've seen the Lupin fandom is more chill than most (maybe I just came in at a good time), so I hope it'll be a positive experience - it has been for me so far!

Personally I'm hoping for purple jacket Lupin with a yellow tie for contrast, though purple is my favourite colour so I may be biased :loop_laugh:


Matcha-Coated Tanuki Mod
Hello and welcome to the forum! If you have them near you, I very much recommend checking thrift stores for colored suit jackets. Usually they change out stock every couple weeks, and they get in old suits they sell for quite cheap. That was my usual way to cosplay back when I was younger.
Welcome on in!

nice to see a younger fan. An answer to your question, I want Lupin to wear a white coat with a pink undershirt and a green tie, I think it would be a cool combo but a very popular one with most is a yellow or purple jacket.

honestly it's pretty cheap to cosplay as Lupin, other than his Loafers you can easily find something at your local dress up shop.

Also it's a shame that you can't watch TWCFM and presumably other Lupin the IIIrd films cause the main major film is finally coming out sometime this year which is the expected return of Mamo
Mamo!? I have actually been thinking about that which leads me to two questions.

1. Is the nudity in the three IIIrd Films as bad as TWCFM

2. Do I need to watch TWCFM for the whole story leading up to that movie

If not I might just watch the three films with my finger near the skip button.


Matcha-Coated Tanuki Mod
Mamo!? I have actually been thinking about that which leads me to two questions.

1. Is the nudity in the three IIIrd Films as bad as TWCFM

2. Do I need to watch TWCFM for the whole story leading up to that movie

If not I might just watch the three films with my finger near the skip button.
TWCFM has by far the most nudity of any Lupin series, but the IIIrd films have plenty too. The IIIrd films aren't really in continuity with TWCFM, but all three are in some continuity with each other.

I would say the most PG Lupin stuff is gonna be Part 2, Part 4, Fuma, Cagliostro, and most of the specials from the 90s-00s.

Original Mystery of Mamo is more dark and raw than most of the later material imo. I would guess the new IIIrd movie coming out will probably stay in that more "adult" Lupin vein that the other Koike movies use.


*Goemon's voice* Stay...at... Y-M-C-A...Y-M-C-A...
Hello!! and oh wow you seem very young! Anyway welcome!

About your questions, I do agree with Tsushi these parts/movies seem pretty vanilla. I'm not an expert because I haven't consumed everything but the movies/specials from the 90's/00's are a good place to start, it doesn't matter the order. (the III's movies are their own thing)

And about the jackets, amazing question...what about orange?? I already got blue and red and these are my fave colors.